Frequently Asked Questions


How do I Sign-up?

Bystander and First Aiders:

Download the mobille application located at our homepage and register.

Ambulance Dispatcher

Send an email to containing the following information:
  • Username
  • Password
  • Organization Name
  • License
  • Email Address
  • Contact Number
  • Province, City/Municipal, Barangay Codes

How do I update my account information?

The mobile application allows you to update your information by clicking on Account Info after logging in. If you have not downloaded the application, please click the link below.
Download Extend the Life

I can't log into the web application.

Logging in to Extend the Life's Web Application requires an Ambulance Dispatcher type account and a stable internet connection. If you have the said account type then please chack your connection and if you don't, you can have a dispatcher account by sending us an email with the necessary information for the account creation.

I forgot my password.

An email containing a link to reset your password will be sent to the submitted email address.


I can't log into my account.

Make sure you have entered your correct email and password. Also check the stability of your internet connection.

My location is not accurate.

Please check if your GPS on or if it is working properly. If your GPS has no issues, then please check your internet connection.

I forgot my password.

A maximum of five password attempts is allowed in the mobile application. Excess in the maximum number of attempts will result in a password reset link that is to be sent via your registered email.