Extend The Life

What is Extend The Life?

"Right now the main focus is to save lives."

Luis Diaz

Helping lives, increasing survival. A new innovation in the field of health care and information technology empowering first aiders and medical practitioners to respond to emergency situations to lessen mortality rate and increase chances of survival.


Android App

  • General

    • Register in the application
    • Choose among the three account/user types
    • Log into Extend the Life
    • Reset forgotten password
    • Edit User Profile
  • Bystander

    • Request for First Aider(FA) help through text message
    • Receive notification from FA if report is accepted/rejected
    • Verify if report is done
  • First Aider

    • Receive notifications when text message is received
    • Choose to accept/reject report incident
    • View location
    • Ask help from ambulance through call
  • Ambulance

    • Receive notification about report
    • Choose to accept/reject report incident
    • View location/nearby hospitals

Web Application

  • Ambulance Dispatcher Map View

    • Display map of Makati
    • Display location of reports on the Map and Table
    • Clickable markers in the map which shows details of the incident
    • Report table with clickable rows which moves the map to the incident location
    • Side navigation which contains user information
  • Analytics

    • Display a line graph of needed information (bounded by user defined start and end dates)
    • Three types of available information
      • Number of Trauma Reports that day
      • Number of Medical Reports
      • Number of Victims

System Requirements

  • Min. Android ver. 5.0
  • GPS-Enabled
  • Internet(Wifi/4G)
  • Google Chrome
  • JavaScript-Enabled
  • Internet
  • Not Available
  • Coming Soon
  • Not Available on iWatch



A bystander is the person involved in the emergency situation or the person who witnesses the emergency situation. With a tap of the finger, the application allows the bystander/s to call for help within a 5 kilometer radius from the location of the emergency.

Ambulance Dispatcher

An ambulance dispatcher keeps track of unattended incidents and is responsible for directing ambulances to the incident location.The application offers real time notification of emergency situations for faster a emergency response, and immediate dispatch of rescue and ambulance teams based on the location of the incident.

First Aider

First aiders are the medical practicioners who are first to respond in an emergency situation.This application allows faster emergency response by contacting the nearest first aider to conduct the appropriate early emergency response.


This application allows coordinates first aiders and ambulance responders during an emergency situation.

Download Extend the Life